Selected publications

Middelkoop TC, Neipel J, Cornell CE, Naumann R, Pimpale LG, Julicher F, Grill SW. A cytokinetic ring-driven cell rotation achieves Hertwig’s rule in early development. BioRxiv, (2023)

Middelkoop TC, Garcia-Baucells J, Quintero-Cadena P, Pimpale L, Yazdi S, Sternberg P, Gross P, Grill SW. CYK-1/Formin activation in cortical RhoA signaling centers promotes organismal left-right symmetry breaking. PNAS, 118, 20, e2021814118, (2021)

Pimpale LG, Middelkoop TC, Mietke A, Grill SW. Cell lineage-dependent chiral actomyosin flows drive cellular rearrangements in early Caenorhabditis elegans development. Elife 9, e54930, (2020)

Naganathan SR, Middelkoop TC, Fürthauer S, Grill SW. Actomyosin-driven left-right asymmetry: from molecular torques to chiral self organization. Curr Opin Cell Biol 38, pp. 24-30, (2016)

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